Sunday, August 10, 2008

What a Day

Mein Tag Gut! Ja!!!!
A rainbow on way to Waikiki
So today actually started out with me in a bad mood, not feeling any desire to do anything or talk to anyone, but after getting the nudging by the spirit to make sure I did not miss Sunday school today was a true blessing!!! Lately I have been having a tough time keeping my thoughts positive or even wanting to be happy with people, when dealing with people will make me happy because I can get a little good energy and go with it, but it just has not been the case. So today I turned down the chance to hit the beach, which I am so glad with my choice. Some of the things discussed in church is what I really needed to hear. In sacrament meeting a couple gave their talks, they really were exciting to listen to, they both put out such great excitement while talking. They listed all the cool things they did with their kids to help keep them on track with religious teachings and enforce the culture. I just hope and pray that when I have kids that I will be that creative..... which reminded me of something else, somewhere today I heard something about all of our own talents we have and need to use, I don't actually recall if it was the same talk or not, but I thought about it allot today. I was thinking back when I was younger and how our parents taught us allot of what they knew, now I don't know if any of this will do me much good in my future but it is neat to know I have been taught these things!
As I thought on it, my parents were and still to this day hard workers, they always demonstrated hard work and a diligence to do good for others to get an honest pay for what you do. We of course got told to do our best and got the guilt trip if we ever turned anyone down to do some work for money or doing a half way job. But I thought more into it, what talents do I really have from my parents??? Well, here is what I could come up with- Mom, mom is very creative and good with kids, she loves to interact with kids, I think I have always been good with them and I do love playing with babies, I may not be as fun as she is of course, but that is not of importance to me right now. She also is crafty, she likes artistic sorts of things, how I relate to this... well, I love to draw, when I feel like drawing and painting I can come up with some really cool ideas, I enjoy doing weird crafty things too. I know she loves when people commented on her crafts, one being her ability to braid hair, which she showed Russel how to do. He took it to another venue, he can brain horse tail, mane, leather, rawhide, and other materials, I know he has made money doing this. I can not braid as good as him or Michelle. But I have braided before and I know I can do it if I want to. Russel and mom liked to do those things, they would work together learning how to braid special knots too. I know Michelle can braid hair too, I remember once a friend of mine had braided her own hair and it come loose or something so at work she was telling me, so I offered to re-braid it and make it tighter, I know she thought I was nuts, but we went to the back and I did it. We had to go where no one was, I didn't really want anyone to know I could do that. LOL. I can actually bead too.
Dad- aside the hard worker, he was good with kids too, but he is always cheery. He also taught us how to care for animals, although I have grandmas sense of no feeling for certain animals (mainly small dogs and damn cats, house animals that is), but learned alot about horses, me and shell may not demonstrate it, but we have the know how on those things. Like I said, I don't know where this will come in useful for me, but I am sure it will. There is more things that I could go on, but those are the ones that are popping into my head now.
So tonight I went with Brent's Family to some Magic Island, I have never heard of it before, but they had a small carnival going on, they had pig racing, I have never seen that before, it was pretty fun to watch!

Pig Races

Trapeze Artists


Dan said...

The no feeling for animals thing may have come from your mother too.... She's not too big on them, more like tries to tolerate them cuz she has to, even then she really doesn't tolerate them too well, especially birds! :)

Chris said...

That is so true!!! Yea, I think I am in the same boat as she with the birds. I don freak out the way she does, but I prefer not to be around the disease spreading things.