Tuesday, March 6, 2012

LIfe can really kick you when your not looking

It has been a year since my last post! Crazy, I know!
Through the years, you learn to grow a hard outer shell to protect yourself from the powers that may be. Along with that, we loose track of our inner selves to easily, we forget how truely simple we are, as humans, as beings! We get lost in the world and never touch base with what we need. So recently I have stepped back, away from that awful ledge to re-examine how my life is going, and what I see, is not what I want, so I have decided to change it. I decided to start by doing yoga once a week, I go to a local studio and do an hour. I always feel better, I have started to read a new book, it was written by a lifestyle coach I once met. Do you ever meet people and just know they are someone special, they were born with a gift and you can feel it and know they have it? This guy was one of those people, the day we met, we had an amazingly deep conversation, shared some amazing stories and thought, so I decided to get his book and read it. Maybe I will run into him in person again, and when that day comes I can have a more open mind to enlightenment and share my energy with him as he does with others.

Something I have bee thinking about is purchasing new things for my home, everything I have has been given to me, so I have nothing that is just mine. As I set here now, I look around my room and see stuff that is functional but does not really connect with me any longer. I think it may be time to start building my own collection of things.

Till next time!

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