Saturday, March 26, 2011

It has certainly been too long!

In the past year I have landed a career type job, graduated from ISU with my B.S. in HRTD, and started looking for houses to buy. Not in that particular order though. ;)
So let me give you some back log on why it's time to purchase a home. The last six month I have been renting from a couple who lets their kid live for free in their property, which is fine, but I am seeing a trend. The contract was for six months, $150/mo including utilities, its a small place. So after this winter, the parents of the kid started talking about how much it is, the average gas is about $46 and electric seems to be around $35. So he and myself are to split that... well, I am pretty sure it is not part of the contract, but I will do that research very soon. So my perception is that because i am not a student and have a career job they think I am very rich and make lots and lots of money, which I may, but it certainly isn't any of their business. So I let logic decide that its not worth renting any longer and to purchase a house.... which can only be a good thing!

I have found a few houses I like, but I run into the issue of setting on it too long then someone else will jump in and get it. So I always have a few options to choose from. Currently I am working on 2 houses, trying to decide what is really important to me.

For now, Im signing off.

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