Sunday, March 27, 2011

A great dose of reality

Sometimes in life we get into slumps, it makes it hard to see that we are in a slump, and at times, we get the fortune of meeting people or talking to someone to help us see where we really are in life. Im not saying that we will see our monetary view in life.
Before I even start into my actual story, let me give you a bit of background. I come from a mixed family, being raised next to the reservation that my mom was from, I had always had a strong connection to "my people", I quote that because I am torn, I am of fair skin, so many ask how I view myself as part native. Well, How can I not? My Grandpa and cogo ( g-grandma) lived out there. It is not like it was way back when is when there was mixing of bloods happening....
So, what that is saying is that I have a very strong connection, a heart burning knowledge of knowing I belong. I was once told that a deceased relative on the other side is with me who guides me and they help me run into the right people <--- thats another story.
Yesterday I met with a friend to do some beading and just chat, she is an older native lady who is LDS, we have some great discussions. After talking with her and her daughter, I feel almost as tho a part of me has a new rejuvenation. It was really nice to have people who know alot about beadwork to actually acknowledge my work and actually say its very good... I didn't think it was that good.
But just after meeting with them, I feel better, they shared some more knowledge with me, sometimes I think I just need that.... I honestly feel deprived when I work all the time and never have time to mingle with the natives... This sounds crazy to most people, but unless you feel as though you are divided between two different cultures, yet don't feel fully part of either one, you will never know the feeling.
Now is it I feel that way... I don't really know! Sometimes i think I am an old soul in ways, but sometimes I think I just feel out of place.......
So this got kinda deep, and confusing... hahaha, but what I really wanted to say is I feel better about after talking to them, and helped me realize that my current environment is not good to my creativity and overall health...
SO I am currently working on a new beading project, I am going to finish it soon before my next meeting for some beading time with some one.

Thats enough for now... I am tired of typing


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