Friday, October 9, 2009

Im not really made out of snails and puppy dog tails

I have had alot going on, I am working for the federally funded VISTA assigned at the Idaho Department of Labor. It has been kinda tough, I am not used to setting for 8 hours a day at a computer. But I am making it work, I have no choice, its still a income and I sort of enjoy doing it.... its just alot of time to do it. It is work that is not tangible that i can walk away and feel good about accomplishing till the very end. I am used to walking out of the building seeing what I have accomplished, and feeling goo about it. I have been pain stakinly working on some thing, but a recent direction was given, and the ladies in charge are working with me and using my materials. That makes me feel good, now I have a tangible situation to refer to. I love that people are now referred to me to deal with employment issues, I guess you could say in a way they use me, Ha, but I like it. It makes me feel like I am not working towards something that I get to see become better.

Hunting season is here, sadly this year I am not going out. I have no shot much so its not worth spending the money for a "just in case" situation. But I have a few guys who are giving me their hides which will be good.

It's late, i think I am done with this blog for the night.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

paper work sucks

I got the call from "job1" about paper work, so I check my email and there is one little link that I need to follow. Well I get there and its 3 hours worth of forms, online training, and how it affects federal job status. This is alot more detail than I really expected to deal with dang it. I was also notified that I cannot have any part time jobs or side gigs to make spare money. So I am going to have to stay quiet about certain "skills" I sale to people, hahaha, no dirty stuff of course. You know, my bead work.
Anyways, I just thought I would say how annoyed I am at all this paper work for a job considered volunteer work... although once I am finished, it wouldnt be bad to not compete for federal jobs with general public. Ha

Friday, June 26, 2009

Ah, job stuff

So as I have been applying for about ten jobs a week since school got out, now I am "reaping"the "benefits" of applying. Sadly for me, this always happens, I get inundated with a large amount of interviews, possible jobs-if you will. And needless to say this is the current situation, not to mention, I am still applying for jobs. You may ask, why are you still applying if you have interviews, well, simply stated, you never know what is going to happen or if it will go through.
So I interviewed for two positions at an OK place to work, not a career but a well paying job, that I think I impressed the ladies interviewing, they were fun to talk to..... easy to get along with too, them I like, because you know when you go in for an interview and they try to be intimidating? I hate that! But these two were fun to talk with, I like to think Im coming out of my "shy" slump.... its been like a month, and I have actually been kinda shy and a inny... not me!
Back to my story, I am getting as bad as my mother telling stories-- drawn out--extra long, I am in hopes of that job, the well paying one, then I recently had an informal interview, or so the lady doing it called it that, I did not even get my hair did, shoot I was wearing a pair of green slacks with crazy leather shoes and a funky shirt, cuz it was informal! well, after my first interveiw with the well paying job I get a phone call from a lady wanting to know personal information, if I had eny "special needs".... I told her I have to see her first before I answer that question, LOL, thankfully she got a good belly giggle out of that, cuz it could of been a bad deal. So I finally ask who she is and why she wants this information, she tells me that I have to be in Seattle for training in a few months and its an all expense paid trip. I was like -- (the voice did go a little bit black) "what? hold the phone lady, are you sure you got the right number? Is this candid camera? How do you know where I am? I know there is a lady acting strange behind me.. is that you?" She said NO!!! then told me about the lady who I had the informal interview with and she sent my name in, I told her I only had the interview, not been informed of any more than that. then I hear a "Congradulations, and now we need this information". So we did it, she asked if I had any questions, by this time my stomach was all sorts of upset because I thoght that deal went down the toilet with last nights dinner, but I guess not! So I am going to Seattle, but I still have not job until this Seattle trip, which sucks! So that is why I keep applying, because if I do that job from the informal lady, then I need supplimental moneys somewhere, I will have some coshy hours, hell ya! Its about time I get some where in this world! Weekends off, holidays off, nights off, the ladys I would work for would not really be my bosses, they would be "guides" to say the least, I would be like 2 steps away from the Governor, or that how many steps before he would review my work. Not litterally tho, I would be located in Pocahello.
So, still, I am in a perdicerment, cuz the well paying job would be bad to get a rap for turning down jobs out there, in case I ever need that job in the future....

I guess how No Dobt would say it, "It's my life" I better get used to it.... and better plan for it too..... I am sure this kinda crap will happen till the day I die!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Bordum can be good.. at times!

So today I went for my usual long walk, it would be a run, but I have lost motivation, again, to keep going. This afternoon went for a nice round trip 11 mile bike ride, that was nice, I almost think that can replace running for now, LOL, it gives me more burn and I am still out of breath after doing it.

I think this being jobless really wears on ones self efficacy! So due to the stage I am at, I am easily bored, I mean bored!!!! So I decided to expand my creative horizons, something I may be able to get some cash out of.... so here you go, this is what I do on my down time, which I must say, is pretty much all the time. I was at Fort Hall, just chilling and looking around a store while waiting for an appointment I had, and I stared talking to some girl that works there and she showed me how to do the peyote stitch, because I was asking how they bead on bottles and other things they had for sale. So she was telling me about it and started to show me how you would start it, she didnt say much about making it work out or finishing it. I went home and played around with it, figured out how they do it. So I decided that I really like this one alot better, it takes alot more time than the normal lazy stitch that we see on moccasins and other large items. I am using generic colors, no special meaning or family ties, unless that is the colors of the family and I dont know. But this is what I got, I have a few other things I have finished but no pictures of them. I made a beaded thing to hang on my rear view mirror, it looks freaking amazing, I love it!!! I am glad I did it. The one with long dangling stuff is made with horse hair.

So there it is. I know its only a three things, but its quite a few hours right there in those pictures.
So, I guess I can mention I do have some good prospects with the state on a possible job and then another entity are reviewing my application, so hopefully soon I get something. We will see how it all works out, I am sure it will work out in the end! It always does for me. It may not be what I want but it seems to always be right.

Well, I am not full of words today, this is all i feel like saying.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Disappointment Has Set In

I was doing so great on eating right, keeping myself on the correct track to keep my health and well being good. Well the last 4 weeks I can say that I fell off the wagon big time! I have gained a ton of weight and my clothes just dont fit right, its that buggy feeling that they just dont set right on my body.
Today, I get up and do my usual, because I am a YT (YouTube) fan and surf certain channels, I also seem to kadable in health reasoning and things of that nature. Not just your general nutriotionist crap, but the stuff that push eating raw pure foods that have not been refined nor have been processed. It talks about the way our bodies are genetically built to break down certain foods. A great example would be for me, milk(2%), we are taught that milk is the way to get calcium and it does the body good. Well for many it does, but my metabolic type does not do good with milk(2%) and so when i drink it, my body reacts and creates more mucus and bi products of waste becase it does not do well with that product. It is trying to do what it can to get rid of it and it is also creating that chemical reaction in my body. So becuase i know this, I do not drink milk, I get my protien and calcium in other ways.
Like I said earlier, I was watching a video made about sugar and how it IS a drug! I have always thought that and no one would ever g along with me when I brought it up. For me, sugar in any form, sucrose, frucrose, and gluclose, give me a high. When I was doing wieght watchers I was able to still eat these in certain forms and maintain that high which led to slowed redcution in weight. After finding the current school which I follow for health, I find that everything that I have thought, everything that never worked for me before that was great for others is now being talked about by people who have studied it, they have advanced degrees and deal with physical health and vitality daily and see the effects this stuff has on people.
We all know sugar is not good for you! We all know when you are "dieting" you dont eat very much of it, and you portion control all pasts and comfort foods.
I am here to submit to you that it is very posible to cut out sugar in any form 100% out of your life! That when you do so, you will feel the greatest benefits of being able to eat healthy, never have the highs and lows related to eating certain foods. I say this because I have done it, I am about to do it again! I do it with full confidence knowing that I am going to have withdrawls, go through mood swings, crave the foods that give me that good feeling. But I know the wonderfull feeling after finishing the battle, yea I will always have to keep myself on guard and not allow any of those things back in, why? Well, because sugar is a drug and its addicting, when you do take it, it hits you hard. As a matter of fact, I have had sugar hang-overs, you laugh, it is funny, but its true! You wake up the next morning in a bad mood, no energy, very lethargic, and this will last all day! You will then even have a stronger urge to eat the bad foods, your body will crave all those foods again that you worked through ridding of. But there is hope! Sean posted some information for when you are trying to curb the sweet cravings, he says that if you use L-Glutamine 500 mg capsules, it will help rid the craving. What you do it break a capsule in half, put it under your tougne and allow it to desolve for 2-3 minutes, then swish it in your mouth and swallow. You should not have the craving any longer.
I think many people thing this will be a magic drug, I think not! I say this is an extra resource to use when you are trying to cut sugar OUT of your diet all together, not just curb appetite for it, then later eat the stuff. While doing all this you will be on a high fiber low starch diet, its part of a natural detox. Weight will eventually come around, but health is the first priority and feeling good. I think everyone should try this, I admit I fell of the wagon, but my eating habits are still the same on for my metabolic type, its just I allowed myself sugar in the form of cookies, which is no longer a problem. Detox is a bitch but so helpful.
Now I have a rant about my presentation Thursday night, so we get to evaluate others, well I was reading through my stack of them and was disappointed in two of them, one lady critiqued my knowledge of the subject I was presenting, which really annoyed me because we are not there to show off how much we know about something, but our ability to convey the message and present information in a fasion that keeps people engaged. Then another person said I did not answer thier question of how yoga and meditation go hand in hand and how meditation can reduce stress..... that one annoyed me because no one asked that question directly! That should of been one they asked when I allowed for questions, but oh well, that is thier problem, but did tell me I should of answered more questions in my presentation. Thats enough of complaining.
Its a nice day and I am going to go enjoy it and the sunny weather.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Crazy Day

Today has not been my day, the last few weeks have no been my weeks, what can I say, I've been in a slump! So I trying to force myself out of it, but its not happening fast enough, well today was going good earlier.
I have been waking up early in the morning, then nap during the day because I am to tired when I got home from work, and many of you know that I have never napped during the day light hours.... Im not a night person!
But today I got up and was in my normal chirppy mood, worked out, then headed to work. I was doing good, got good news at school about some credit stuff, but then I think it is the lady I work for, I think she has an overwhelming negative presence..... I think that may be what my problem is! I just thought of that right now, how odd is that?!???
I tell you, she cusses up a storm about mistakes SHE makes because she tries to do things too fast, then swears about it. What really gets me, she knows me and Megan are both LDS who are practicing, yet she still takes the Lords name in vain. I decided I am going to tell her not to because I do not appriciate it! Plus, it is not professional in the work place to use that language. Anyways, she is a whole other story!!!!!! She even tries to tell me about my program and college, a big annoyance for sure!!!!! A philosophy person telling me how academic people are far more educated then Tech students.....
Ok, no more, that is my rant!!!
Today though, I got home from work, then got a call to go meet with a lady who hired interns in DC, talked too her, and by that time I was wore out! The day had beat me up pretty bad, I felt so unprepared to talk to her and quiz her on things I wanted to know, cuz I got home and a millions questions popped into my head, which sucked!
Then I go to class, I was prepared for a few subjects to be discussed in my presentation and get swiped with something i know little about, which is what everyone else knows. Ugh, just time to go to freaking bed and hope I get up with a smile in the morning and a good run!!!!
Good Night

Monday, February 9, 2009

6 pack circut

I know very few read my blogs, which is good. So I have a sweet video that you should watch, I think if we all do this after a month we will see some sweet defenition in the abs.
I would show everyone, but if everyone looks good what good would it be if the few of us were looking freaking hot? Thats right, so Im keeping it sort of a secret. Its from a buddy of mine in San Diego...

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Santa's Toy Shop

Ok, here is a video, it is kinda long, but very good about china's toy industry. I know its kind of depressing and annoying, but I do think it is something we all need to be aware of. I personally do not like these things and wish I had power to go there and make the government fix it, but I dont.
So watch it

Friday, February 6, 2009

crazy burning

Crazy night
So heres a entertaining story for ya.
Tonight Josh and myself go shopping at wal mart, get home late because I have class, well I am starving and do not know what to eat, so I just picked up some bacon at wal mart so I figure i will eat some and some celery for dinner.
So I am cooking my bacon and using a plastic spatuala, well i figured i would make a snack for class, so I am putting peanut butter on my celery and not even paying attention to anyone. Then I hear "CHRIS! what is on fire?" I turn and look in the pan, I see no bacon, the spatuala as brnt throough and melted in the pan, the smoke was billowing with smoke, it was so bad. We opened ALL the windows and doors, the neighbors came to see what the smell was and why we had smoke. It was pretty funny, I think I ruined a pan and of course owe someone a new plastic spatuala.
Then I had to go to work, so i did not have to deal with the smell for too long, but I got to class and got asked if I smokes, LOL, I should of played it off and said I do smoke joints. To get me through that class.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


School is in session, I am so glad. It just means one semester closer to graduation! Which should be either summer or next fall. Depends on what I can get from the college.
So I didn't go total organic, it got very spendy, but I have been changing my diet up alot, and making notes of what I eat and how I feel after eating. I think my key thing is trying to find the food that I do not feel hunger after I eat meaning I got my nutrutional needs met in the food I ate. The problem I am running into is that there is very few things that I so far have found that work for me.
I am thining about doing a metabolic typing test, thye claim that if you know your metabiloc type you can cater your eating around that and it is what your body will and can digest properly with out over flooding it with things is cant use and makes into fat. This is a good theory to me, plus, if you know what your body will use properly wont it be better then all the crash diets we burn our bodies out with?
So as of now I am just focusing on staying with apositve mind set and keeping motivated with working out and sweating. I actually had a few really good workouts, I have not had any like that for abot a year, I think it just opened the flood gates for me. I have been pushing to get a goo workout in every other day and run on the off days. I try to get up early and run but it is harder then i expected.
But its all good for me!!!
Well if any one wants to know more about the metabolic typing stuff I can get you a few resources to read.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Crazy Train!!!! All Aboard!

I really have nothing to say today, I felt like writing a blog so I am going to type the things that are going on through my head. Before I can clearly get them out I must list things, kinda like the Lynxs system when remembering things. Aight, keep it tight and dont get too bored.
Right now I am bored and have nothing on my mind, but things are always in there....
So today I got up bright and early! 7:40 AM, Jumped up and remember looking out the window in my room to see if we had gotten any snow. Recall my arms and shoulders aching really bad! Why? I worked out yesterday, yup, in the gym, Reed gym to be exact. I even did a wimp workout. I never used any weights over 25lbs! But it still made me sore. I didnt even work my chest and my pectoral majors are feeling worked. LOL. Then I went to the kitchen and got a drink, sat on the couch trying to wake up, because I did not fall asleep till 2 am. SO I was tired.
Went and decdied to eat a yogurt and 2 oranges. had 2 glasses of water. Decided to watch tv, so I watched music videos.
Then I cleaned up and went to Blackfoot.
Went to Idaho Falls, then back to Blackfoot. Got Russels invintation in the mail.
Come back to Pocatello and drank lots of water.
............ So I think that clears it up.............
I guess read further for more stuff..........

wow, I really am blank! This is the most tht I have never talked, wheres my roomies to finally enjoy this!???