So today I went for my usual long walk, it would be a run, but I have lost motivation, again, to keep going. This afternoon went for a nice round trip 11 mile bike ride, that was nice, I almost think that can replace running for now, LOL, it gives me more burn and I am still out of breath after doing it.

I think this being jobless really wears on ones self efficacy! So due to the stage I am at, I am easily bored, I mean bored!!!! So I decided to expand my creative horizons, something I may be able to get some cash out of.... so here you go, this is what I do on my down time, which I must say, is pretty much all the time. I was at Fort Hall, just chilling and looking around a store while waiting for an appointment I had, and I stared talking to some girl that works there and she showed me how to do the peyote stitch, because I was asking how they bead on bottles and other things they had for sale. So she was telling me about it and started to show me how you would start it, she didnt say much about making it work out or finishing it. I went home and played around with it, figured out how they do it. So I decided that I really like this one alot better, it takes alot more time than the normal lazy stitch that we see on moccasins and other large items. I am using generic colors, no special meaning or family ties, unless that is the colors of the family and I dont know. But this is what I got, I have a few other things I have finished but no pictures of them. I made a beaded thing to hang on my rear view mirror, it looks freaking amazing, I love it!!! I am glad I did it. The one with long dangling stuff is made with horse hair.

So there it is. I know its only a three things, but its quite a few hours right there in those pictures.
So, I guess I can mention I do have some good prospects with the state on a possible job and then another entity are reviewing my application, so hopefully soon I get something. We will see how it all works out, I am sure it will work out in the end! It always does for me. It may not be what I want but it seems to always be right.
Well, I am not full of words today, this is all i feel like saying.
You're alive! :)
Keep us posted on the job situation, that's the pits. And way to get down with your crafy-bad-self.
Very impressed! You creative man you!
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