Thursday, January 15, 2009


School is in session, I am so glad. It just means one semester closer to graduation! Which should be either summer or next fall. Depends on what I can get from the college.
So I didn't go total organic, it got very spendy, but I have been changing my diet up alot, and making notes of what I eat and how I feel after eating. I think my key thing is trying to find the food that I do not feel hunger after I eat meaning I got my nutrutional needs met in the food I ate. The problem I am running into is that there is very few things that I so far have found that work for me.
I am thining about doing a metabolic typing test, thye claim that if you know your metabiloc type you can cater your eating around that and it is what your body will and can digest properly with out over flooding it with things is cant use and makes into fat. This is a good theory to me, plus, if you know what your body will use properly wont it be better then all the crash diets we burn our bodies out with?
So as of now I am just focusing on staying with apositve mind set and keeping motivated with working out and sweating. I actually had a few really good workouts, I have not had any like that for abot a year, I think it just opened the flood gates for me. I have been pushing to get a goo workout in every other day and run on the off days. I try to get up early and run but it is harder then i expected.
But its all good for me!!!
Well if any one wants to know more about the metabolic typing stuff I can get you a few resources to read.

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