School has sprung! Its been great and busy! I don't really mind, I like it to be exact. This is the last day of the fair, until next year of course, all the Blackfoot folks will be all happy to go eat fair food and watch their favorite event that they have to go to every year. For me it is the horse races and indian relays. Today they had a great womans relay race, there were at least 8 racers, a few were riding traditional style and the rest had western saddles on. But it was a really good race, they were close most of the way and then one girl riding bareback was passin everyone at the clubhouse turn and won the race.
So I got called twice from a compnay that I had sent my resume to, I am very excited that they were willing to work around my school schedule in hopes that I would invest my time into thier compan, I just hope it is well worth it, it shoud be becuase they are one of the compnays that have the lowest turn over.... that has got to mean something, I am sure the work sucks but I have met a few of their workers and they are all happy people and seem to enjoy their jobs, so I think I am making a good choice to invest with them. So the guy that called the second time told me he would be glad to arrange something that would work for me so that I would work full time for them after I graduate, not bad, that first old hag though, she told me that they do nothing special for people that are going to school and hopefuly they will get me in a posiion wthat will work for me. But needless to say I stil want the job, maybe it is better than the jobs I applied for that are for the city. Plus I will make a lot more and work the same amount of hours, and I like this kind of work, it makes me feel accomplished.
Dang I am rambling on, I need to go buy a blender I have been craving smoothies and I need to freeze some bannanas so that I can use them to thicken up my smoothies, right now a blueberry and kale smoothie with 1/4 bananna blended sounds realy good...
So I think my diet in Hawaii has an impact, it seems that my running has mitigated since the last time I ran, my room mates, bless thier hearts, are pushing me to keep working out. In the past I was the one pushing them to go further and faster to burn more calories, but now I am the old fat man who sounds like a old fat man smoker trying to run, we ran 1.4 miles yesterday and I thought I was going to die!!! I hope to be up to 2 miles up hill by October, wish me luck!
Well this is a long blog and I am really tired of setting and need to go run for the day
What is up with the 1.4 miles? You always kicked my butt when we ran together. Can you believe I have been running 3 miles (in one night) at least 3 times a week, sometimes more if I get the urge to. It kills when I am doing it but man it feels so good when I am done. :) Keep it up! You can do it!
HEY! You're back blogging again! :D I hope school's going well. We need to run into each other on campus sometime.
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