So I got some pics of myself and I do not like what I see, so I decided I need to get back on the train and be very stern with myself and my eating habits. I swear when I am out here I go crazy and eat all the time and eat lots of bad foods. So I vow to loose 10 pounds before school starts and I leave Hawaii!!! It will be done, if I say it, it means I will do it! I really need to get ahold of Dorese and figure out what the heck she done when she lost 12 pounds in a week, she was attempting the southbeach diet. If you read her blog, you will see how the 4th of July kicked her can.. LOL. Well, I am sure by now she is back on the train. I forgot my notebook that I log all my food in and times when I eat, because when I do that I see what I ate and how long it has been. So if I keep up an eating schedule where I can eat every 2 hours then I do drop pounds better and it is healthier because your only eatin small stuff. It is hard to eat good here because good food is so expensive.... so is bad food, but you can get more bad for better deals then the good food.
So Heidi got me hooked up with Costco's application process, I dont know if it will go far. I have the right credentials for the job but I dont have the right availbility for the business. School has me in class every night of the week except weekends of course. So in the grocery/bulk retail business that is a big red flag to them, because majority of business is done during the hours after 4:00pm. So pray for me that I can get something figured out, everything for school is going to put me in the nasty red zone!!! Me and Millie was talking about the red zone, how we both hate to be there, neither of us have worked since Feb. Savings are lasting a long time to make it to this point, but the plan was to make enough money to not have to worry about working lots of hours to live while school is in session. That was and still is the plan for me if I can get all my ducks in order and my poop on a scoop!
So here is a great video that I have been watching a lot in the recent weeks, it is a tribute to the military. It is an awesome video and pipe band!!!! I want this song played at my funeral when it comes!
Sweet video. I like the pics at the top, but not as good as the one's with you actually in them. No proff you were ever there. I will give you the pics off my camera!
oops i mean proof... hard to type while holding mini me!
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