Before I filled up my car, I decided to go run, I was going to go run earlier but got lazy and laid around the house watching the television and eating crap food. Seriously it was crap food, I chowed down a cup of whole wheat pasta, a muffin ( the entire muffin) granted I was full after the muffin, but did that stop me... No, I ate some pineapple and cottage cheese after that. Yea, so I think tht is why I had been grumpy. Well, it does not help that I showered and noticed my hair looks like crap, yea I am a freak about my hair, I really want to go back to that beatician who cut it, she knows how picky I am and told me she knew what she was doing, I am so glad I did not tip her! I am sure the ladys in the shop do not lik to see me walk in, I nit pick my hair really bad, and now because she did a bad job I have the little puffs on the sides of my head. My hair does its own thing so I have to get it cut a certain way. See pics below to see how I like it done.. the first pic demonstrates how it should be with out getting a cut for 2 weeks, the last pic shows how it should look after getting it cut!
Damn I'm fine!!
Well, enough of me, NOT.. this is all about me. But enough of the downer stuff, it is making me feel worse. Therefore I shall redirect my attention to something else...
So after reading Jenn's blog I thought about why think of the bad stuff, why not take some of my own medicine and count my blessings and be thanksfull for what I have, I have to admit it did take me a good hour run to clear my head of any bad and negative thoughts. But after dripping sweat and being out of breath I think I got a better grasp on the humility part. I did not run for a straight hour though... 30 minutes is the most I will go, I walked for 30 minutes tonight, but still my heart rate was good so I actually had sweat dripping... I love that feeling!!
I guess it is a neucance to me to have people think that I am over weight because I am lazy, a few of us had that conversation recently, I figure I can either tell people I work out all the time or I can be quiet and let them think that I am lazy and just set in front of a computer all day. Well, I guess for the peole I was talking with I choose the later. I figure they can think what they want and I can keep doing what I do to find what will work for me now. I swear my body keeps changing, what worked 2 years ago wont work now. I can run with someone 3 years younger and not break a sweat as to them, they are driping sweat... I just do not understand that part of it.
So I just burnt some brown rice, does anyone know how to messure out water and rice ratios for brown rice? I always run out of water, and then it is kind of crunchy, which I dont like.
Intermission...... Reno 911 is on!
Ok, well I do not feel like typing now, Reno 911 makes me lagh. I am now going to go play rockband 2, we got it and I am figureing out how to do it. I feel like such a weirdo because I am so dumb at these games.
Any help on the brown rice would be great. Thanks